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November 27, 2022
TG 951: The West's Fraudulent Invocation Of "Holodomor"

George Szamuely discusses discusses the 90-year anniversary of the start of the Soviet Great Famine and its shameless abuse by Western leaders to justify their ongoing policies in Ukraine.

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TG 1561: The Great New York City "Antisemitism" Hoax

George Szamuely and Peter Lavelle discuss the fraudulent allegations of antisemitism supposedly sweeping New York City. Such bogus claims always serve the same purpose: changing the subject from Israel's cruelty and inhumanity toward the Palestinians.

TG 1559: Russia's Deputy Defense Minister Is Arrested

George Szamuely and Peter Lavelle talk to Dmitry Babich about the strange case of Timur Ivanov, Russia's deputy defense minister, who has just been arrested, detained and charged with bribery.

TG 1551: Prominent Zionist Co-opts Conservative "Nationalists" To Israel's Cause

George Szamuely and Peter Lavelle discuss a supposed European conservative nationalists' conference in Brussels, the agenda of which has more to do with the promotion of the cause of Israel than with the cause of national sovereignty of European states.

Transcript Of U.S. Supreme Court Hearing On Presidential Immunity

Here is the transcript of the oral arguments presentation before the U.S. Supreme Court on April 25, 2024, on the issue of presidential immunity.


NEW - George Soros and his "hard-left acolytes" are paying agitators who are fueling the explosion of "radical anti-Israel protests" at colleges across the United States.

World War Now:
🇺🇦🇷🇺🇺🇲⚡- The United States has banned Kyiv from using the remaining M1A1 Abrams tanks on the battlefield due to their vulnerability to Russian drones.

‼️🚨🇺🇦🇮🇱 A Ukrainian Muslim teacher released a clip exposing a ‘secret Talmudic plan’ of creating Israel 2.0 in Ukraine.

According to this brave whistleblower, this ‘plan’ is supposed to create a European safe haven if the state of Israel falls to ‘foreign aggression’.

He then calls for the unity of Christians and Muslims around Ukraine & Russia to stop this from taking place.

🇺🇸🇵🇸⚡️- Pro-Palestine protests have spread in the last 9 days, with some universities - most notably the University of Indiana - deploying armed officers to ...

Geopolitics & Empire:
"It isn't about defeating the enemy, you just have to outlast them. All you need to to feed yourself and stay off their radar. That usually means being in a region peripheral to the empire." Experimental Farmer Shane Simonsen of 👨🏽‍🌾




"The time is not yet ripe for an "Asian NATO", and above all for an Article 5 similar to that of the Atlantic Charter. “For now, that type of consensus does not exist among the countries of the Indo-Pacific.”

China's naval vessels are now permanently deployed at Cambodia's Ream Naval Base, a leading expert has told Newsweek. ...

January 21, 2023
More Leftie Than Thou
"Jacobin" Magazine Celebrates A Strike Against Ol' Blue Eyes

Here at "The Gaggle" we have very little time for the "more Leftie than thou" school of thought--that's the approach to life according to which the only thing that matters is whether you take the right position on every issue under the sun from Abortion to Zelensky. No one in the world meets the exacting standards of this school of thought; any Leftie leader anywhere is always selling out to the bankers and the capitalists. The perfect exemplar of this is the unreadable Jacobin magazine. 

The other day I came across this article from 2021. It's a celebration of trade union power. And not simply trade union power, but the use of trade union power to secure political goals. Of course (and this is always the case with the "more Leftie than thou" crowd), this glorious, never-to-be-forgotten moment on the history of organized labor took place many years ago--in the summer of 1974 to be exact. Yes, almost half a century has gone by since that thrilling moment when the working-class movement of Australia mobilized and prepared to seize the means of production, distribution and exchange. 

Well, not quite. Organized labor went into action against...Ol' Blue Eyes, the Chairman of the Board, the Voice; yes, Frank Sinatra. Why? What had Sinatra done? Sinatra was certainly very rich, and he owned a variety of properties and businesses. But if the Australian trade union movement were, understandably, searching for the bright, incandescent spark that would finally awaken the working class from its slumber there were surely richer, greedier, more dishonest, more decadent, above all more Australian individuals it could have discovered. Australia was never short of them. Rupert Murdoch immediately springs to mind. Why Sinatra?


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