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Monday Night At The Movies: "The Searchers" (1956)

"The Searchers" starts at 3 p.m. ET sharp.
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September 29, 2024
The Gaggle Music Club

The Gaggle Music Club's selection for the week is Camille Saint-Saëns's Symphony No. 3 in C minor, Op. 78, more popularly known as the Organ Symphony. Written at the request of the Philharmonic Society of London (now the Royal Philharmonic Society), the work was first performed in 1886.

The symphony is of course most famous for the exuberant, triumphant last movement in which the organ plays an enormous part.

September 29, 2024
TG 1698: Pavel Durov, Elon Musk Cave To State Pressure

George Szamuely and Peter Lavelle discuss the speedy surrender of the two social media titans to state pressure.

September 28, 2024
TG 1696: Israel Assassinates Hassan Nasrallah

George Szamuely provides an update on the latest developments in the Middle East, following the assassination of Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah.

September 30, 2024
The Skripals Farce Gets Evermore Laughable

It's very doubtful at this stage that the Skripals are still alive. That the UK authorities are going to so much trouble to prevent anyone from hearing from the Skripals would indicate that they are dead.

However, it's also possible that the Skripals are in prison and might use any occasion such as an interview, a deposition, a court appearance to scream to the world that they want to be free.

The whole thing is a disgrace, particularly the absence of any interest on the part of the media or elected politicians to inquire as to the Skripals' whereabouts. read this from Rurik the Stalker, not PoS lying grifters and hopium dealers like escobar, martyanon, larry 'former see-eye-ay' johnson et al That prompted the Russian Foreign Ministry to respond as follows according to Sputnik:

“If Finland and Estonia plan to impose a complete blockade of the Gulf of Finland for Russian shipping, Russia will regard such actions as an obvious violation of international maritime laws. Its norms do not contain provisions that allow, even based on some 'threat,' to introduce measures to restrict shipping, much less unilateral measures of a discriminatory nature aimed at a specific state…but we proceed from the fact that in this matter they will strictly adhere to the norms of international law.” [this reply is so pathetic and predictable, it's...

January 21, 2023
More Leftie Than Thou
"Jacobin" Magazine Celebrates A Strike Against Ol' Blue Eyes

Here at "The Gaggle" we have very little time for the "more Leftie than thou" school of thought--that's the approach to life according to which the only thing that matters is whether you take the right position on every issue under the sun from Abortion to Zelensky. No one in the world meets the exacting standards of this school of thought; any Leftie leader anywhere is always selling out to the bankers and the capitalists. The perfect exemplar of this is the unreadable Jacobin magazine. 

The other day I came across this article from 2021. It's a celebration of trade union power. And not simply trade union power, but the use of trade union power to secure political goals. Of course (and this is always the case with the "more Leftie than thou" crowd), this glorious, never-to-be-forgotten moment on the history of organized labor took place many years ago--in the summer of 1974 to be exact. Yes, almost half a century has gone by since that thrilling moment when the working-class movement of Australia mobilized and prepared to seize the means of production, distribution and exchange. 

Well, not quite. Organized labor went into action against...Ol' Blue Eyes, the Chairman of the Board, the Voice; yes, Frank Sinatra. Why? What had Sinatra done? Sinatra was certainly very rich, and he owned a variety of properties and businesses. But if the Australian trade union movement were, understandably, searching for the bright, incandescent spark that would finally awaken the working class from its slumber there were surely richer, greedier, more dishonest, more decadent, above all more Australian individuals it could have discovered. Australia was never short of them. Rupert Murdoch immediately springs to mind. Why Sinatra?


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