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16 hours ago

Geopolitics & Empire:
The UK is about to stop producing any electricity from burning coal - ending its 142-year reliance on the fossil fuel. The country's last coal power station, at Ratcliffe-on-Soar, finishes operations on Monday after running since 1967.

If any two commodities were central to the industrial revolution, they were coal and steel. Britain pioneered the mass production of both, launching a worldwide transformation that multiplied living standards many times over. And now, ironically, it looks as if, in an almost Maoist pursuit of global leadership in achieving Net Zero, we will be the first major developed country to close them both down. There is just one catch. In reality, that is economic suicide - and time is running out to do anything about it.

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October 04, 2024
TG 1701: War Rages On Two Fronts--Dems, Foreign Policy "Experts" Blame Trump!

George Szamuely and Peter Lavelle discuss the strange case of the 700 or so former national security officials who have denounced Donald Trump and endorsed Kamala Harris, even as the world, under her and Biden's watch, careens toward world war.

October 02, 2024
TG 1699: Israel Vows Revenge On Iran

George Szamuely and Peter Lavelle discuss the impending--almost certain--strike by Israel against Iran in retaliation for Iran's missile attack, and wonder whether it will lead to all-out war, involving the United States.

Live Chat
September 30, 2024
Monday Night At The Movies: "The Searchers" (1956)

"The Searchers" starts at 3 p.m. ET sharp.
Share all of your thoughts, comments and criticisms on the Live Chat.

Live Chat
October 01, 2024
Vice Presidential Debate Live Chat 9 P.M. ET

Here is the link to the vice presidential debate between Sen. J.D. Vance and Gov. Tim Walz. Please join at 9 p.m. ET, and add your comments, criticisms, observations, complaints and expressions of exasperation.

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September 26, 2024
Monday Night At The Movies

Please choose which one of the following 8 movies you would like to have screened next Monday, Sept. 30. The theme is Westerns and Noir Westerns.

Please continue to vote after Sept. 30, so that we can determine the runner-up. The runner-up will be screened on Oct. 7.

Israel better be keeping its behavior under wraps. Russia is no longer gonna tolerate them bombing Syria especially at the whims of the fucking Brits. Ditto Iran.

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January 21, 2023
More Leftie Than Thou
"Jacobin" Magazine Celebrates A Strike Against Ol' Blue Eyes

Here at "The Gaggle" we have very little time for the "more Leftie than thou" school of thought--that's the approach to life according to which the only thing that matters is whether you take the right position on every issue under the sun from Abortion to Zelensky. No one in the world meets the exacting standards of this school of thought; any Leftie leader anywhere is always selling out to the bankers and the capitalists. The perfect exemplar of this is the unreadable Jacobin magazine. 

The other day I came across this article from 2021. It's a celebration of trade union power. And not simply trade union power, but the use of trade union power to secure political goals. Of course (and this is always the case with the "more Leftie than thou" crowd), this glorious, never-to-be-forgotten moment on the history of organized labor took place many years ago--in the summer of 1974 to be exact. Yes, almost half a century has gone by since that thrilling moment when the working-class movement of Australia mobilized and prepared to seize the means of production, distribution and exchange. 

Well, not quite. Organized labor went into action against...Ol' Blue Eyes, the Chairman of the Board, the Voice; yes, Frank Sinatra. Why? What had Sinatra done? Sinatra was certainly very rich, and he owned a variety of properties and businesses. But if the Australian trade union movement were, understandably, searching for the bright, incandescent spark that would finally awaken the working class from its slumber there were surely richer, greedier, more dishonest, more decadent, above all more Australian individuals it could have discovered. Australia was never short of them. Rupert Murdoch immediately springs to mind. Why Sinatra?


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