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October 07, 2024
Monday Night At The Movies: "The Good, The Bad And The Ugly" (1966)

"The Good, The Bad And The Ugly" starts at 3 p.m. ET sharp.
Share all of your thoughts, comments and criticisms on the Live Chat.

October 06, 2024
The Gaggle Music Club

This week's selection for The Gaggle Music Club is Claude Debussy's Images pour orchestre.

The work comprises a three-part orchestral suite, which Debussy composed between 1905 and 1912. It showcases Debussy's orchestral style, blending impressionist techniques with vivid imagery and sound colors.

The suite consists of three separate pieces, each inspired by distinct ideas and images.

The first movement, Gigues, is inspired by English folk dances, specifically the jig (hence the title "Gigues" ), and it incorporates melancholic overtones.

The second movement is of course the perennial crowd favorite, Ibéria, which, through rhythmic complexity and delightful orchestral colors, captures something of the essence of Spain.

The third movement is Rondes de printemps ("Springtime Rounds" ). It draws on French folk tunes and suggests the arrival of spring. Dancing rhythms evoke nature coming to life.

Debussy’s Images pour orchestre is a perfect exemplar of musical impressionism, ...

October 06, 2024
TG 1703: National Security Officials Fear The Uncovering Of Their RussiaGate Criminal Conspiracy

George Szamuely and Peter Lavelle discuss the real reason why the more than 700 former national security officials are so determined to keep former President Trump from returning to power. They are afraid that Trump will order a DOJ investigation into the RussiaGate and UkraineGate criminal conspiracies to destroy him and his presidency.

16 hours ago

Candace Owens has done good work investigating Kamala Harris' rather murky ancestry. Owens makes a good case that Harris' handlers in league with the media have conspired to blackwash Harris' racial ancestry. Owens believes that Harris' Jamaican family are of Indian ancestry - and that Jamaican Blacks featured in photos with a young Harris apparently in Jamaica are servants willfully misrepresented as family. As well the media has literally blackwashed Harris' father - touching up his photo to make him appear much darker and more negroid than photos featured on the economics department website where Harris works.
From Stanford Dept of Econ:
From Marie Claire:

10 hours ago

Ben Shapiro says what an honor it was to appear with Trump at the Lubavitcher Rebbe's tomb yesterday, and closes by telling Trump that he's praying for his victory. Another really tough interview for Trump can't get more Maga than this :)))

10 hours ago

“The decisions and declarations BRICS leaders adopt at their summits have little to no impact on developments in the global arena. Undoubtedly, their rhetoric of solidarity, democracy, openness and spirit of mutual respect sounds attractive to nations that feel oppressed in the Western-dominated order, or believe they should play a more important role on the world stage. But the problem is that the group, since it held its first summit in Yekaterinburg, Russia, in June 2009, has not accomplished anything significant collectively.”

January 21, 2023
More Leftie Than Thou
"Jacobin" Magazine Celebrates A Strike Against Ol' Blue Eyes

Here at "The Gaggle" we have very little time for the "more Leftie than thou" school of thought--that's the approach to life according to which the only thing that matters is whether you take the right position on every issue under the sun from Abortion to Zelensky. No one in the world meets the exacting standards of this school of thought; any Leftie leader anywhere is always selling out to the bankers and the capitalists. The perfect exemplar of this is the unreadable Jacobin magazine. 

The other day I came across this article from 2021. It's a celebration of trade union power. And not simply trade union power, but the use of trade union power to secure political goals. Of course (and this is always the case with the "more Leftie than thou" crowd), this glorious, never-to-be-forgotten moment on the history of organized labor took place many years ago--in the summer of 1974 to be exact. Yes, almost half a century has gone by since that thrilling moment when the working-class movement of Australia mobilized and prepared to seize the means of production, distribution and exchange. 

Well, not quite. Organized labor went into action against...Ol' Blue Eyes, the Chairman of the Board, the Voice; yes, Frank Sinatra. Why? What had Sinatra done? Sinatra was certainly very rich, and he owned a variety of properties and businesses. But if the Australian trade union movement were, understandably, searching for the bright, incandescent spark that would finally awaken the working class from its slumber there were surely richer, greedier, more dishonest, more decadent, above all more Australian individuals it could have discovered. Australia was never short of them. Rupert Murdoch immediately springs to mind. Why Sinatra?


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